Wow Patch 4.3.2 Direct Download

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85 Gnome Mage


Good morning,

So basically i started launcher this morning all was fine until i got some Optimizer running, it told me the process would take 15mins under normal conditions, thats fine. A few minutes after starting the client crashed saying something about an Internal Error. I restarted the launcher and its now telling me to download 3.5gb of data a volume of data i can t d/l.

My game worked fine yesterday and for months before, had no issue last patch 4.3 only this Optimizer is a new factor.

So please enlighten me as to how to fix said situation asap

Thank you, regards




Blizzard Employee

I m afraid you cannot skip this phase.

You re joking right. First the launcher optimizes by removing 3gb then we have to dl it again.

Edited by Krinskal on 01/02/2012  GMT

i started wow today and it gave me the launcher is was chekcing for updates and then i got the small screen with connecting to patch server and then he always get stuck.

There is no problem with my connection.

can you help me.

connecting to patch server

The Launcher is most likely downloading data files that had to be replaced. Unfortunately there is no way to skip this process unless you are willing to uninstall and reinstall the game client.


Although I understand your frustration, please note that there s nothing I can do to magically fix your game client :

when i click on it it says that it s not responding.

Do i just wait or is something else wrong.

Unfortunately in this case there is no way to tell whether or not the Launcher is downloading files.

You could try and close the application down, reboot Windows in Safe Mode with Networking and then try again:


Count yourself lucky that it was 3.5GB, many people with previously zero problem installations are still waiting on 12-16GB downloads.

Seems the optimiser needs some optimisation.

now the update tool appeard but it said after downloding 11mb updating tool timed out and it closed


Good morning people Anyone has an idea how to fix my problem. Everytime i try to launch my World of Warcraft, the launcher crashes and i cant download patch i cant do anything Please help me some how :p


Mine fine.. its still Optimization running.. :


90 Troll Druid


Well, first it appeared that there was a 17.5 mb download, but after that the optimization thing came waited for like 30 min and now i have 4gb of download silly


This optimiser definately needs to be improving, I know its for space saving or whatever but making you download huge chunks of data is outrageous.

Some people have to pay by the GB and i think some consideration should be taken when making these patches, updates and programming these tools within World of warcraft.

14.3 out of 14.9GB 96

Can anyone tell me where i can see what this is really changing ingame.


Dude. they REDIT the files. to make game run better. that why they go back and Redit.

try go into your Wow installation folder and use repair.exe maybe it can help.

90 Draenei Shaman


sorry to say, but it is that you got to download data for an optimisation, while it works previously. Its not even optional, it is mandatory. I don t believe that I had to sign for it.


85 Human Warlock


Cool, first I downloaded 3,5 gbs after deleting the unnecessary file thingy. I entered the game and realized that I opened with admin rights. Then I started the launcher again and dahell. 10,5 more gbs to load. Started the game without launcher and now, opening screen without animation, all characters stand on the orc rock Same background on all races. Even on loading screen, it says its my first time playing with that character.

Awesome, delete and install again.

Edit: Now its says up to date

Edit 2: Now I cant even see those animations. Thank you I was happy with 50 gbs in my computer, now I am not happy with 45 gbs of non working trash files.

Edited by Naojirou on 01/02/2012  GMT

they tried to fix the game lol..

made it worst

Well,there is clearly something wrong with your tracker Blizz :

:47.6496 Connecting to: with 0

:52.5927 Connected to tracker in 2383 2560 ms

:47.6925 Connecting to: with 0

:50.2635 Connected to tracker in 1434 1137 ms

:08.9728 Connecting to: with 3

:09.4716 Downloader stopped communicating with Launcher.

:11.4881 Failed to connect to tracker.

I can browse my internet fine.


85 Blood Elf Paladin

hi troops, me too this morning tryd to launch wow it says my wow files are broken blah blah pls use the repair tool blah blah. still broke. nice one blizzard - if it aint broke why fix it

85 Goblin Hunter


Wireshark for example.

BTW. Finally I managed to run Downloader 3,5GB to download. One thing that bothers me greatly Why there s 100KBps limitation on P2P downloading. This problem has been frustrating me for few previous patches. Of course sometimes I m able to reach 500KBps my network bandwith limitation when I switch to direct connection downloading, but It s working only when I m downloading patches few days/weeks after their first launch.

PS. I didn t have such problem with torrent links for patches, which had been available previously

PS2. Sorry for crappy english.

I think its outrageous too..I work on a 5gb a month service,how can tey expect me to take 3 months now to download this damn patch


100 Goblin Warlock


Windows Vista / 7:

- Click Start, then Programs, then Accessories and then locate Command Prompt

- Right-click on Command Prompt and left-click on Run as Administrator

- In the Command Console window that has appeared type: ipconfig /flushdns

- After typing the above command, press Enter to execute it and then close the window

Happy bunny - only 6GB, downloading with 300kB/s, will play, oh wait in 6hrs.

88 Orc Death Knight

what exactly are we downloading that is this big. a few nerfs and class changes etc. This is like as big as 4.3 itself.


85 Blood Elf Warrior


Mine ran fine -optimised and downloaded 35MB -but I have not seen any folder size reduction. I believe the Blues post covers most go to points here:

1 14


Are you runing it via Launcher. also Try repair.exe button

100 Blood Elf Death Knight


Well Blizzard screwed this one up seeing so everybody is downloading this patch.

So even though my game worked perfectly I have to wait 18 hours for a damn hotfix..

Thanks for screwing us over yet again Blizzard.

I expect these sized patches with a lot of content, but a few nerfs is just ridiculous.

everytime i run your downloader it totally crashes my modem, your launcer seems to be the only progrsam that does this, any ideas.

Same problem here..I did some research and came to see that this patch/optimisation is somehow useless as well as usefull..every WoW game works but in the brackground are small errorsWhich need fixing..The people whos optimisation only took 0-200mb are lucky..their files are all good..but people are fighting sizes of 10-16 gb so bassically most of the game Data.. WTF Blizzard really never thinks about what they are doing

BTW i have to Download 11GB with a bandwith of 56K.


81 Dwarf Warrior


when the game is available to play,after downloading, and when i log in,i cant find Eu realms.only us,brazil,oceanic..latin am help pls :

My game was perfectly fine yesterday. Now i have to download 16 gb. . Are you kidding me. Something is seriously wrong whit that new Launcher you should fix that really quickly


90 Human Paladin


I m not gonna hack and nitpick at all this fuss and go on about how I m a paying player who shouldn t have this sort of probem etc etc but I don t suppose there s even a smidgeon of a chance that Blizzard will compensate my lost playing time. Twelve hours extra will do it.



90 Undead Death Knight


this is beging to anger me personaly, with a 512k line meaning a 50Kb/s download speed I have to do a 14.9 Gb download just to update my game, this is an outrageous amount of memory for a download, I can get a whole game in 14.9 gigs, please would a gm respond


97 Night Elf Hunter


If I understand correctly, you guys at Blizzard receive money from data transfer fees, when content gets downloaded from you. People have to buy each add-on, pay for gametime, and you force them to re-download the entire game client for profit. There s nothing wrong with the game isn t there. You do this every single update. Have you ever thought that doing this might be illegal. Masking your actions as corrupted game files - run repair - repeat all over until the customer gets fed up and downloads the entire game client from scratch again. More data transferred, more money for EA Games. PS. The local supermarket put -30 off from game cards. Guess they saw this coming

100 Night Elf Priest


Its a bug, they just havent fixed it yet. Those who are downloading 15gb are most likely having all of their client replaced by the US version. Which is useless to an EU person.

100 Human Paladin


so what to do..

I instaled cata from dvd right now, I think I have a few gb with this and download not that much as now


100 Blood Elf Warlock


After I got the 12 GB shock I called my friend and asked him not to run WoW. I asked him to mail me the WoW.mfil and WoW.tfil files since a Blue Post said something about those files. Anyway, I replaced my files with those from my friend and the only thing that changed is the Setup/Playable size, it was 7.1GB Setup and the rest Playable Available was 0 , now it s 61.9 MB Setup, 7.1GB Available and 4.5 Playable. With my 512Kb connection and the slow download speed from Launcher it may take to next expansion til download is finished.


I uninstalled the game, re-install it using the CDs and DVDs I have, after installation finished, Launcher started automatically and it still wants to download the 12 GB..

87 Troll Rogue


Kinda annoying.

I have about 0.3mb of bandwidth.. im downlaoding 3.5 gb at about 30 kb/s see you next year.

I take it Blizzard arent going to pay for me going over my broadband allowance.

or compensating me for my electricity bill.

or paying for the 3 days of paid time i miss out on.

Assumed not.

Very much doubt i will play MoP this happens all the time, Blizz are a multi billion company, and they cant test patches.

Same sorta thing happening with me, said something about an internal error and after talking with three different customer service dudes did they finally say you gotta reinstall WoW. but now it wants me to download a 9GB patch.:o


Hello i have same problem after when i launch main launcher.exe or wow.exe has problem i turn off all main firewalls, internet security but after couple of seconds i have information Updater connection timeout but main internet upload or download is fine. I ll try open repair.exe but get information main wow is fixet but still have same problem. I also download 14.9GB that new path from version 4.3.0 to 4.3.2 but still not working. Please help

85 Gnome Warlock



Wednesday morning i started to download the new patch, at PM GMT and it s Friday now, 2 days past, 43 WoW errors after running in safe mode i am just asking, why don t you create an installation file so we can Download that since WoW Downloader is one of the worse download managers iv e ever worked with i am really getting pissed and thinking of bycotting and not playing WoW for a while until you fix all problems

anytime, ANYTIME since 2005 Blizzard attempted to FIX something made 12 millions of people angry the fact is, we were all happy with our game experience i just wanna know, disregarding dozens of new bugs and in-game issues you made after this patch release, what have you done to make players happy. we are paying to have fun, we are not paying to have the PC turned on for 72 hours downloading a fix FIXING patch

cold regards

PS: i was much comfortable if i had to download a 4.3.2 patch through torrent or internet download manager, all the 5GB, and then install it. next time you release a patch i will buy tickets, fly to Paris, and i will get the patch directly from you on a DVD. believe me i m more comfortable this way.

I have the same problem : Launcher wants to download 15GB of data. Should i download it or just wait untill Blizz will solve this problem. I ve just paid for next month and now I m unable to play

coming to the end of day 4 of downloading patch 4.3.2.

6.31 GB of 14.9GB complete 42

its amazing how i can aslo open starcraft 2 MAY I ADD A FREE GAME and download and upload a 6GB patch in under 2mins.

time to sort it out i think, don t u..

hi troops, me too this morning tryd to launch wow it says my wow files are broken blah blah pls use the repair tool blah blah. still broke. nice one blizzard - if it aint broke why fix it.

The recent update fixed Spellflash for elvui for most specs, but for some odd reason it doesn t fix the frost mage spec. I have no idea if this is something to do.

Decursive is a cleansing mod intended to make affliction removal easy, effective and fun for all the classes having this ability.


NOTE: Type /DECURSIVE to open the onfiguration panel.

Decursive s options are not directly available in the Interface panel due to ongoing tainting issues Blizzard is not willing to fix.

Decursive usage - Micro Unit Frames documentation - Decursive Macro documentation - Frequently Asked Questions - commands

Decursive key benefits

Ease of use:

Decursive supports all classes with cleansing abilities and configures itself automatically,

it works straight out of the box, no configuration is required.

Intuitive interface and detailed options, Decursive is suitable for simple usage and power users.

Control what and who you want to dispel:

Easily Filter out afflictions you don t want to cure or that are useless to remove by class some are pre-configured.

Such as afflictions affecting mana on non-mana classes, etc.

Choose between what you can dispel magic, curses, poison, diseases, charms choosing their priority.

this allows you to share the cleansing work with other players effectively

Prioritize or exclude members.

keep players, classes, or raid groups in a specific order to cleanse them in order of importance

Manage Mind controlled units:

If you are a Mage, a Druid or a Shaman you can Polymorph/Cyclone/Hex mind-controlled players.

In any case Decursive will allow you to target mind controlled units easily.

Decursive supports magic charming affect removal for Shamans Purge and Hex, Priests Dispel Magic,

Hunters Tranquilizing Shot, and Warlocks Fellhunter and Doomguards spells.

Don t waste time:

Your cleansing spell Cooldown is displayed to maximize your dispel speed.

An automatic blacklist will prevent you from loosing time on players who can t be dispelled.

player out of line of sight for example.

Decursive choose a logical cleansing order depending on your current position in the raid.

preventing dispel concurrence between players and thus nothing to dispel messages

React faster:

Visual and/or auditive alerts when someone needs your attention and can be dispelled.

Special sound alert when Unstable Affliction is detected and you re about to dispel it.

Visual and auditive alert when your dispel attempts are resisted or fail.

Integration in any interface:

Highly optimized and effective coding:

Decursive was developed with memory and CPU usage in mind, installing Decursive won t affect your frame rate even in the worst battle conditions.

Bug free: bugs are not tolerated in Decursive.

In brief, what you get with Decursive is effectiveness, a player using Decursive will always dispel faster than other players.

See also:

Interesting articles and videos about Decursive s usage:

2010-11-20 Updated in 2011-06-11

A complete Decursive guide by darista: 24


Video: WarcraftScience s Decursive tutorial

For other videos about Decursive, see the YouTube playlist.

Decursive is dedicated to the memory of Bertrand Sense known as Glorfindal on

the European server Les Sentinelles.

He was the raid leader of my guild Horizon

You can subscribe to Decursive s newsletter to be alerted whenever a new stable version is released.

For suggestions, feature request, or bug report, use the ticket system provided by

Development versions of Decursive are available at this URI: ; note that development versions may be unstable.

Unless you want to help testing unstable code you should download the versions considered stable below.

Do not forget to rate Decursive.

Bitcoin donation address: 1LEHZuPsiHN4hM3H3Gru5xKmDgCj867eFX.

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Patch 4.3.2 ,3.5Gb download

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Decursive for World of Warcraft. Decursive is a cleansing mod intended to make affliction removal easy, effective and fun for all the classes having this ability.