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University of Illinois Unified
Results: 1-20 of 164Sort by relevance XML JSON OL Search result for webstore : 1-20No.Document TitleIDSiteUpdatedHits1Shared Services51522University of Illinois Administration2016-01-121032UC, Minimum Lync/Skype for Business Client Versions Required50742Illinois2016-01-1268503RightFax, Fax Services47890Illinois2015-12-1733394Leaving Campus, Faculty and Staff47708Illinois2015-12-1511395When activating Windows from the Campus Agreement, I get an error 0xC004F074 The Softward Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated.56221Illinois2015-12-141026Alertus, Connecting Illini-Alert and Digital Signage47891Illinois2015-12-112217Training, FAQ s47721Illinois2015-12-108498Why do I get a licensing error -15 or -96 while connected to the VPN on a Mac.56178Illinois2015-12-10749Commercial use of WebStore software56263Illinois2015-12-107610Skype for Business, Lync 2011 for Mac Installation49529Illinois2015-12-09141311Using a Banner Account when Credit Card is the only option displayed to purchase software from WebStore.56820Illinois2015-11-248512Is the WebStore License server down.55363Illinois2015-11-1920013 Security, Antivirus, McAfee VirusScan, How to download VirusScan from the WebStore48301Illinois2015-11-1922414Email, Exchange, Outlook 2011 with Exchange 201047694Illinois2015-11-19113515FAQs for Microsoft Office 365 UIUC53452Illinois2015-11-16121616How do I find the name of my computer.56214Illinois2015-11-069117WebStore, Microsoft Campus Agreement CA Enrollment51877Illinois2015-11-0111718Microsoft software for Faculty and Staff56798Illinois2015-11-016919WebStore, Microsoft Office 2013 Product Key51909Illinois2015-11-0126020WebStore, Adobe Site License Rules51878Illinois2015-11-01141
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Search type:Results per page: Results: 21-40 of 164Sort by relevance XML JSON OL Search result for webstore : 21-40No.Document TitleIDSiteUpdatedHits21Off Campus Licensing for Webstore Applications57643University of Illinois at Springfield2015-10-2815722Do Retirees have access to the WebStore.48268Illinois2015-10-267123Installing software from the WebStore on multiple computers56809Illinois2015-10-026624FAST3 Training Policies56176Illinois2015-10-0210225WebStore order shipment not received56861Illinois2015-10-025426Error when applying new SAS license file56582Illinois2015-10-028827What is the FaCT Upgrade Fee.56777Illinois2015-10-025728Eligibility requirements for WebStore Purchases56822Illinois2015-10-016129Installation help with WebStore purchased software56867Illinois2015-10-017130Why does my ANSYS Research license say USER/host on EXCLUDE list for feature, Feature aa_t_i.56157Illinois2015-09-285831Transferring WebStore Purchases to another account56871Illinois2015-09-284932Credit Card Refund Processing time for WebStore Purchase56870Illinois2015-09-285733WebStore Refund Policy56869Illinois2015-09-285034Adobe Software from WebStore, Unit Use verses Personal Use56868Illinois2015-09-285635WebStore Order History, find your download, serial number, code, password, license.56866Illinois2015-09-286036WebStore software pickup restrictions56864Illinois2015-09-284637WebStore Order Pick-up delivery availability56862Illinois2015-09-286038WebStore order shipment delivery times56860Illinois2015-09-284439Offer on WebStore not visible after login56859Illinois2015-09-285140When WebStore purchases show up on Banner Account Statments56821Illinois2015-09-2757Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next
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Search type:Results per page: Results: 41-60 of 164Sort by relevance XML JSON OL Search result for webstore : 41-60No.Document TitleIDSiteUpdatedHits41Using a Student Account to make a Purchase from WebStore56819Illinois2015-09-274342Purchase not Found In WebStore Order History56818Illinois2015-09-275443Paying for WebStore Software Purchases56817Illinois2015-09-274344WebStore Physical Store56816Illinois2015-09-274645Full Version of Windows from WebStore56815Illinois2015-09-275046Installing WebStore software on a computer that has no DVD drive.56814Illinois2015-09-274447Software delivery options for WebStore software other than download.56813Illinois2015-09-274148Refunds for WebStore Purchases56812Illinois2015-09-274549How do I find my MAC Address or Host ID.56811Illinois2015-09-276250Contact WebStore56810Illinois2015-09-275051Software subscription licenses on WebStore56808Illinois2015-09-275052Purchase of personal use software with a CFOP or Banner account56807Illinois2015-09-274253Invalid Key error when installing Office on personal computer56806Illinois2015-09-275254Renewing annual Mathematica license56805Illinois2015-09-274555WebStore, MATLAB Activation Key Error 7000 No License Found51910Illinois2015-09-2713256Software listed as back ordered on WebStore56804Illinois2015-09-274357View your order history56803Illinois2015-09-273558Re-borrow a loaner media kit from WebStore56802Illinois2015-09-274059Locating Matlab license file56801Illinois2015-09-274960Software available for personal computers56800Illinois2015-09-2749Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next
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Search type:Results per page: Results: 101-120 of 164Sort by relevance XML JSON OL Search result for webstore : 101-120No.Document TitleIDSiteUpdatedHits101Return borrowed Autodesk license56166Illinois2015-09-1661102Why does my Autodesk software keep asking for the license manager and never start up.56156Illinois2015-09-1659103Changes to the Autodesk software license model for academic institutions56382Illinois2015-09-1679104I m having trouble with Office I obtained via the Microsoft Home Use Program.56381Illinois2015-09-1559105How to take a screenshot.56380Illinois2015-09-1556106Office 2010 installed in a non-default location56379Illinois2015-09-15275107Borrowing an AutoCAD license for offline use56378Illinois2015-09-1560108Connection to WebStore License Manager from off campus for UIS.56376Illinois2015-09-1576109When activating Windows from the Campus Agreement, I get an error 0x8007232B: DNS name does not exist. 56374Illinois2015-09-1573110Agilent ADS license slow to load56372Illinois2015-09-1558111Update a Solidworks license56371Illinois2015-09-1557112Graduate and professional Student WebStore Software Eligibility56177Illinois2015-09-1450113I m having trouble logging in to do I get an error 1335, 1603, or OS requirements not met message when installing Adobe Acrobat.56268Illinois2015-09-1352115I am using SAS or Stata via the Remote Server option. How do I access the data files I have created.56267Illinois2015-09-13135116Why Does the LabVIEW NI License Manager Hang When Querying a Volume License Server.56266Illinois2015-09-1353117I ve just purchase Dragon Naturally speaking. How do I get my serial number.56265Illinois2015-09-1361118Why do I get an error that the capability FLUENT_SOLVER does not exist in the ANSYS licensing pool when I try to run Fluent.56264Illinois2015-09-1350119How do I specify whether to use a MATLAB classroom or research license.56262Illinois2015-09-13398120Access to the WebStore after leaving the University56261Illinois2015-09-1360Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next
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